Fan Letter
Dear Mr. Trout,
My name is Billy Pilgrim and I am here
to tell you how happy I am with your book “The Big Board”. You should remember
me, I am the one who talked to you personally and invited you to my wedding. I
first read your piece of work while at a veterans hospital years ago. I finally
bought the book now at book store in New York City. I adored this book so much
because it reminded me of my time on Tralfamadore. My favorite part was when
the Zirconians brought in the female stock broker because it reminded me of
when the Tralfamadorians brought Montana Wildhack to the zoo. She is still
there in certain moments if I choose to go to that moment. You see I can time
travel. This book also reminded me of moments of World War 2 which I
experienced, and can still experience if I travel to that moment. When to male
stock broker stole some of the stock share from the female stock holder, it
reminded me of poor Edgar Derby, a school teacher in the war who stole a
teapot. Just like the male stock broker, Derby was killed for the theft. So it
goes. Another time where your book reminded me of the war was when the stock
brokers were beating each other up for making a bad investment. That was like
the time Roland Weary was beating me up in Luxembourg because I was too slow. The
only parts that were not right were 1. When the earthlings were kidnapped, they
aliens did not talk to them. The Tralfmadorians talked to me when I was
kidnapped. So that seems a little off. And 2. The Zirconians believe in time as
you do, a moment and then it is gone, which is very wrong. The Tralfmadorians
and I believe it lasts forever and you can relive that moment, which is the way
it really is. All of your books are works of art and I am pleased to own all of
them. Have a happy life, and relive all the moments you want.
Billy Pilgrim