Monday, December 2, 2013


                   My generation seems to be split right through the middle, almost like Ying and Yang. On one side we have the people that throw themselves out into the world. Let's call this side "walkers". These people work hard and enjoy hobbies (that are out of the house passions), like hiking, fishing, skiing, tennis. Than the other half is the exact opposite. This side will be called "sleepers", these people prefer to be inside on electronics, tweeting away. I believe this is what separates my generation from the other generations. So many people outside of my generation, like the scientists that put us in these groups say that if you are addicted to technology and followers you are right in here with us.
                    Since my generation is looked at as the technology abusers, it would seem that anyone who is like this should be shoved in on with us, but that is where you are wrong. The generation I am in doesn't just walk in the woods or have their eyes glued to the a screen. We put ourselves to a high standard. We want to be different from the other generations by doing great things that will make the world a better place. If you consider yourself a "sleeper" you probably have thought of bugs and glitches that could be fixed and the "walkers" are devolving ways to make a world a better place and stopping pollution. Also, another characteristics is we have extremely good hand-eye coordination from all the video games that we play. After writing all this, i believe that people should be put in generations when they are in their 20s according to the hobbies they enjoy. Our only flaws it would seem is that we are very scared of what others think.


  1. I agree that you the generation is sort of split. I think the "sleepers" side has a more percentage then the "walkers" side the generation. I think this is why in school they try to take us on more outdoor trips to get away from all the electronics and world around us. For example when we took a trip to during rocks, roots, and wings, I think it was a way to get away from all our gadgets. Also I think it was a good way to meet our new class and not be distracted from all these electronics. I was confused on your last point starting from "after writing all this." I'm guessing that was your conclusion but it was confusing to me. Also I think the two separate groups of our generation you said, the "sleepers" and "walkers", I think that there's a lot of teenagers in our generation that do both. They do a lot of outdoor activities like sports, activities, but I think they also get caught up in electronics too when they get inside, and they start using the Wi-Fi and interweb and all sorts of internet, social networking.

  2. I think this is very long Adam...

  3. OK. I see what your saying. So do you think that I should have a third group that is a combination of both, or have a third party that is completely different of "sleepers" and "walkers". I am a very low- tech guy so I think the older half of our generation is more like the Wi-Fi people than our and younger age in this generation. Also, school field trips aren't just outdoors. We went to the Franklin Institute when there was a computer exhibit. So it was basically all Wi-Fi, Steve Jobs stuff.
