Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The goods of the Internet

   The internet has changed the world in many good ways. As a starter, the internet has allowed people to socially communicate to each other, even when they are hundreds of miles away. Socializing with other people on Facebook or twitter is a great way for everyone to communicate. Another great example of the internet is that it makes writing an final's paper much easier. The internet offers a plethora of online sites and books that have all the information you need to write a paper.

      The internet has allowed people to jump start their business/ organization. By having a website, more people are able to have more customers or followers just by the fact that millions of people around the world can read your website. The internet has done many things for people around the world, but probably the most important ability the internet has given us is we are have complete knowledge of all of the world events
that are happening.The internet is a very useful and helpful tool for us to use.

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