Monday, April 28, 2014

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Letter

Dear Mr. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi,

                I am here to congratulate you on presidential election of Egypt.  I am sure that you will take Egypt to new heights. There are several ways though that you could accomplish this with few riots if any. As the Secretary of State of the United States of America, I have encountered first-hand how to keep a country at peace and have no violent protests. I have observed several ways of taking care of a country peaceful, both what to do and what not to do. The first big step to make your people happy is building a democracy. The people will now feel they have say in the government and will be less obligated to riot. Another strong way to keep your people at peace is to give them more freedom and proper rights. A prime example of what happens when freedom and rights are taken away from the people is Hosni Mubarak’s Emergency Law. By allowing police to arrest people without charge and detain the indefinitely, it was only a matter of time until they revolted, which they did on January 25, 2011. In order to keep your country’s peace, a strong tactic is to change when the people need change. Do not stick to old ways if the people need and what new ones. After all, we do not what you to become like the Muslim Brotherhood, being so strong headed that you are in a position where you have to change or fail as your ultimatum. These are just two of many ways that you should do to keep your country’s peace long lasting. Many of these ways can become out of hand and tumble out of control if not properly maintained. There is however actions you should not do to keep a county at peace.

                The word has always been a cycle for war, making the same foolish mistakes over and over again. These are some ways that you will get out of that cycle. The keystone that will hold your government together is not becoming a dictator. Instead offer your people a democracy; the future will be much calmer since one person cannot become power hungry. Furthermore, as president of Egypt you should not forget who got you to this position. Your people may believe once you forget about them, you become power hungry. Like Brutus said about Caesar, “Whereto the climber-upwards turns his face;/ But once he attains the utmost round/ He then unto the ladder turns his back,/ Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees/ By which he did ascend”. Do not become like Caesar in the aspect of you forget your people and only care about yourself. The final action you need to avoid to keep peace in your country is do not believe you are invincible like Caesar. Caesar was so blindsided by his confidence that he did not see the enemies around him. If you do this, you will most likely have enemies that are your closest friends. Remember, just follow these few things and you will be on your way to being a great president in no time. It will be good to talk to you in the near future on how your country is doing. The best of luck.


                           John Kerry

                  United States Secretary    

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