Thursday, April 10, 2014

Propaganda Poster

   The Propaganda Poster I created is anti- Brutus and the conspirators. The Roman Capitol Building, which is the central building for the Roman government, is being supported by sand pillars to demonstrate that Rome is now weakly being held up and will fall. There are daggers in the pillars to show that civil war is going to overtake Rome and cause havoc as well as backstabbing. Which makes the "pillars" even weaker. I decided to put Brutus's name at the bottom of the Capitol Building because it was supposed to represent Brutus being the main reason why Rome is now supported by weak pillars by killing Caesar. The last image that is used is blood droplets coming down from the sky. This is to replicate the dream Caesar's wife had and to show that Rome will be drowned in the blood from civil war. The quote I used "Domestic fury and fierce civil strife/ shall cumber all the parts of Italy" from Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 289 and 290. This quote is said by Mark Antony when the conspirators left and he was plotting to avenge Caesar. I found this a fitting quote for my propaganda poster because Mark Antony talked about how Italy will be at civil war with “Shall cumber all the parts of Italy”. Since Antony said "fierce civil strife", I imaged the city in turmoil and weak, thus giving me the idea for the sand pillars. This image is too directly against Brutus, making it look like Brutus is the main reason civil war will be started.

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