Thursday, October 3, 2013

Defining Modernism #2

1.           The pieces of music differ in several different ways.  One way in which they differ is in the instruments. In Beethoven’s “Piano Concert no. 5 Emperor” he uses mostly flutes and clarinets for a subtle sound; whereas Bix Biederbecke and Charles Mingus use trumpets and saxophones.  Mingus goes even further by adding the electric bass. The pieces also differ in tempo. Beethoven’s piece has a slower tempo where the Jazz pieces have a quicker beat.


2.            The point Biederbecke and Mingus might be making is to celebrate and have more fun. We survived the wars; they are over, so let’s celebrate. Also since the world is moving at a faster pace than before, the point might be to have a fast pace in music, like everything else in the world.


3.            Beethoven’s piece makes me feel calm, like I’m at a lake and the water is still and the only noise is the birds chirping. Biederbecke’s piece makes me feel like I’m in one of those old T.V shows like I Love Lucy;   dancing on a floor with those shiny white and black shoes.  Mingus’ song feels like a Mardi Grad parade with the person shouting “ah” in the background. I like the songs that fit the genre of Jazz because it is more upbeat and also has a swing in it. Jazz makes me feel more alive.

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