Twenty years from now I will be a Marine Biologist. In would have graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelor's degree in Biology and a Master's Degree in Marine Vertebrate Biology and a PhD from Brown University. I would have held jobs before and during college that relate to Marine Biology in some way, such as interning at Jenkinson's Aquarium. While there, I would have given the proper vitamins and food to each animal checked the pH, dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in each tank for optimal levels.
Another job would be working as a deck hand on a charter boat. In this job, I learned the migration routes of several species of fish and how to properly hold them. The most recent job I would have done would be to work in the Stony Brook Research Lab, as a assistant to Professor Malcolm Bowman. In this capacity, I would have done studies on different species and how they act when their environment has been altered. Specifically, I would have identified critical and not so critical threats to the ecosystem.
To be a marine biologist, I would have to live close to the water, therefore I will live in Mystic, Connecticut and own a house by the water. I have not gone this far without being noticed. For discovering a new species of fish, I had a two hour program on the Discovery Channel explaining the species and the voyage I took. I have also received several awards including: the American Legion Award, the Rachel Carson Award, and the Kobe Award. My final goal in my career is to slow down global warming and reverse it's affects. Lastly, I would aspire to work as a college professor at Brown University.
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