Monday, October 28, 2013

The Lively Art of Writng Pg. 39 Full and Final Thesis

1. Thesis: Competition for grades is a healthy influence on students.
Pros                                                                                 Cons
- Makes Students work hard                                          - Causes Students to become stressed                - Allows students to develop good study habits            -  Makes Students feel overwhelmed
- Students become more proactive
Antithesis: Competition for grades is an unhealthy influence on students.
New Thesis: Competition for grades is a good way for students to work harder and develop study skills.

2.  Thesis: All girls are slightly crazy.
Pros                                                                                  Cons
- Emotionally affected by certain people                       - Secretive and keep to themselves
- Over dramatic about some topics                                - Boys are like that too
- Always think their way is the right way                      - Do not care about fashion/ popularity
- Have to be in the latest fashion                                    - Down to earth
Antithesis: Girls are completely sane.
New Thesis: All girls have a more dramatic reaction to topics and people than boys.

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